The centrality and unity of the Jewish People revolves around our Torah. Regardless of how one practices Judaism or what customs they follow, the Torah remains the unifying force for all Jews. In fact, the very last mitzvah in the Torah is the commandment for every Jew to write a Torah scroll.

The Torah, teaches us about our past and the future of the Jewish people. This Torah has been donated by Gloria Feldman in memory of her two brothers and the one and a half million children murdered in the Holocaust. Gloria and her husband Rubin, of blessed memory, dedicated their lives to strengthening communal institutions, specifically those that educate and inspire others to live Jewishly engaged lives. The Torah of Unity serves as a call to action to carry on the legacy of the silenced voices of the million and a half Jewish children whose voices were silenced. This Torah will represent their voices through the many children who will be using and learning from it. The funds raised will be used to strengthen the Jewish identity and connection to Israel of today's youth, tomorrow's leaders.

Although most people are not in the position to commission the writing of a complete Torah, one of the many ways to fulfill this mitzvah is to dedicate the writing of parts of the Torah. It is not too late to be a part of this historic event! To dedicate a portion of this special Torah call 314-696-0578 or visit jsustl.org/torah.