Privilege to Give
The Staenberg Family Foundation was founded in 2005 by Michael and Carol Staenberg as a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. As such, it supports projects and programs that meet the mission of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, which is to mobilize resources needed to preserve and enhance Jewish life in St. Louis, in Israel and around the world. The Staenbergs chose to establish the Foundation in this manner because they believe that the Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ mission is consistent with their family values as Jews. Tzedakah (righteousness) and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) are values that have guided the Jewish people and guide the Staenberg family. They also wanted to set an example of giving for the community and their immediate family. “Our children are the next generation and it’s really important that we teach them the importance of giving to others. Tzedakah is basic to Judaism,” stated Carol Staenberg. The Staenbergs hope that their actions will inspire others to give back to the community.
Foundation Mission
Guided by Jewish values, the Staenberg Family Foundation seeks to ensure that the Jewish community, as well as the greater St. Louis region, thrives and flourishes.Foundation Priorities
The Staenberg Family Foundation’s highest funding priority will be supporting services, projects and programs directed toward creating a thriving Jewish community in St. Louis and beyond. The Foundation values an inclusive and pluralistic approach to Jewish life. The Foundation’s other significant areas of interest are Infrastructure (especially buildings); Arts and Culture, including providing art for institutions that promote art, culture, and health; Children, with a special focus on summer camps; Education; and Medical Research. The Foundation works toward the betterment of the St. Louis metropolitan area and beyond by supporting places, projects, and people in these priority areas. The family board meets four times per year to consider grant requests and make allocations recommendations. Michael Staenberg serves as Foundation President. The Staenberg Family Foundation does not financially support any political organizations.Contact
For questions about the application process or funding, please contact Mindee Fredman, Director of Community Investment, at MFredman@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3734.Staenberg Family Foundation Applications
In order to be considered for funding through the Staenberg Family Foundation, all requests must come through the Spectrum Portal. This applies to:- General Support Applications (applications accepted on an ongoing basis)
- Event Sponsorship Requests (applications accepted on an ongoing basis)
- Anything Grant Applications (applications accepted December through February)
You will be directed to the Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ new online grant management system, Spectrum Granted Edge. You will need to create an account in order to apply for a grant from the Staenberg Family Foundation, even if you previously had an account through the prior grant management system. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please Note: All grant recipients will also be required to complete a six-month follow-up.
For questions regarding the Spectrum Portal or technical issues, please contact Terri Sever at TSever@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3841.
Staenberg Family Foundation Anything Grants

Anything Grants support projects, infrastructure and programs of local Jewish organizations.
Applications are now closed.
Goals of Anything Grants:
- Contribute to local agencies that help create a thriving Jewish community in St. Louis.
- Leave a lasting legacy by spreading tangible acts of goodwill throughout the St. Louis Jewish community.
- Encourage other members of the local Jewish community to support important initiatives, projects and organizations.
Eligible Grant Applications could be for anything, including:
- Hiring a nonprofit consultant
- Purchasing technology
- Staff/Board professional development
- Building beatification/improvement
- May also be programmatic, but since this may be a one-time grant, we encourage grants for specific one-time needs
Criteria for Anything Grants:
- Grants will be given to Jewish non-profit agencies, organizations or synagogues in the St. Louis community. No individuals or for-profit businesses.
- All applicants must have a 501(c)3 tax status.
- Grants will range from $1,000 to $5,000 (so your project budget cannot exceed $10,000).
- The request should be for 50% of your projected program budget – you must articulate how the other 50% will be raised. Grantees will be required to provide evidence of the matching funds that were raised. These must be new dollars – not from an operating budget or previously raised/committed funds.
- Your request should not be part of a larger campaign. We want to fund projects that can be accomplished with our contribution as half of the project budget.
- We encourage submission of proposals for specific one-time needs. If it is for an ongoing project, a sustainability plan must be articulated.
- Projects must be completed and follow-ups submitted by December 2, 2019 at midnight.
- Grantees will be required to complete a progress report upon completion of the project in order to receive payment.
- If the grant is for a capital/tangible project, including building renovation or improvements, or purchase of equipment or other tangible items:
- A formal/official cost estimate is required to justify the requested funds.
- Grantees will be required to demonstrate completion via photos, receipts, invoices paid, etc.
The recipients of the 2019 Staenberg Family Foundation Anything Grants are:
- Hillel at Washington University – Building Beautification through Torah
- MaTovu – Building Enhancements
- Jewish Family & Children’s Service – Flooring Replacemen
- Kol Rinah – Technology Upgrade
- National Council of Jewish Women STL – Security Updates
- Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School – Technology Renewal
- St. Louis Jewish Light – Technology Needs
- Traditional Congregation – Security and Safety Support
- St. Louis Kollel – Kollel Beautification Project
- Barbara Mendelsohn Tomchei Shabbos Fund, Vaad Hoeir – Freezer and Storage Upgrade
- St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association – Congregational Leadership Training for LGBTQ Inclusiveness
- Covenant Place Foundation – Technology to Connect Older Adults with Services, Resources, & Each Other
- Yeshivat Kadimah High School – Drama Program
- Maryville University Hillel – Maryville University Hillel and Scholarship Strategic Awareness Campaign
- Young Israel of St. Louis – Synagogue Bathroom Remodel
- Jewish Community Relations Council – Support to Educate the Jewish Community on Criminal Justice Reform
- United Hebrew Congregation – Expansion of Infant/Toddler Rooms
- St. Louis Council BBYO – Jewish Enhancement Initiative
- B’nai Amoona – A Jewish Room for All to Enter
- Friends of Israel Scouts-Shevet Keshet – Person-to-Person Israel Exchange & Winter Camp
- St. Louis Friends of Israel – Website
- Chesed Shel Emeth Society – Memorial Garden Benches

Staenberg Stories
We are telling the greatest success stories from the Staenberg’s 10 years of giving, one of our supporting Foundations. Be sure to read these compelling stories that tell how the Staenberg’s giving has personally touched each organization or made St. Louis and the world a better place. If you would like to learn more about becoming a Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, contact Mindee Fredman at MFredman@JFedSTL.org.Jazz St. Louis
“We believe in education, in all forms.” -Carol & Michael Staenberg, August 2016

United Way of Greater St. Louis

Jewish Community Center

Forest Park Forever
For more than 15 years, Michael and Carol Staenberg have played a leadership role in supporting the magnificent restoration of Forest Park as well as the daily care necessary for the Park to remain one of our region’s greatest civic treasures and one of the most beautiful parks in the country and the world.
Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JF&CS)

Center of Creative Arts (COCA)

Sheldon Arts Foundation

The Holocaust Museum & Learning Center

10 Gifts Challenge
Michael and Carol Staenberg are challenging YOU to the “10 Gifts Challenge.” Over the course of the year, challenge 10 people to do something inspired by the Staenbergs.Step 1. Accept the Challenge
- Mentor someone in the community who needs your help.
- Volunteer your time at the food pantry, with seniors or at an upcoming event.
- Make a donation to an organization that impacts a cause you care about.
- Celebrate your successes to stay motivated in the future.
- Inspire a friend to take on the 10 Gifts Challenge, too!
Step 2. Share your success
- Post a photo of whatever you accomplished with the #10GiftsChallege on Facebook and Twitter.
- Challenge your friends and family to also complete the 10 Gifts Challenge. Tag them in your post!
Step 3. Continue your good work

- Now that you’ve completed the challenge, it doesn’t have to end!
- Read the Staenberg Stories for inspiration from St. Louis community leaders.
- Get involved in the Jewish Federation of St. Louis by vising BuildJewishSTL.org.
- Continue to spread the word to family and friends.